During this time of year, it can be very stressful from holiday shopping and feeling overwhelmed by family. There can be a myriad of reasons why some would prefer to stay at home until the new year. It can be helpful to recognize and identify your stress and depression triggers during the holiday season. Here is a list of some triggers to help you identify why these feelings and emotions are surfacing.
Social obligations
During this time of year everyone is having a holiday party from work, and possibly networking events in your business. If you are the one hosting or have been asked to host the holiday party cooking, entertaining, and alcohol can add to holiday stress.
An alternative could be to limit your holiday partying and take some self-care time. Make a list of how many gatherings you feel is feasible for you to cope with. We can not pour from an empty cup.
Financial Strains
Every day we hear on the news about a recession, or the cost of food and travel rising. We all can admit COVID-19 did a toll on all us whether it was financially, mentally, or emotionally. Financial strains during the holidays can be overwhelming when gift-giving is involved, event planning, or travel expenses.
If you are on a budget and struggling mentally not being able to splurge on gifts for your children, family, or friends do not allow this to overwhelm you. Be upfront with them and let them know you are on a budget, or due to other obligations I will not be able to spend a lot on gifts this year. Decide in advance how much money you can afford to spend on gifts, and food and do not be upset that you have to stick to your budget. If this is bothering you a lot mentally create a financial plan for 2023 to increase your income. When those feelings of sadness arise because you can’t spend as much this year, stick to your plan for 2023 and visualize how much better it will be the next holiday season. Sometimes saying this is only temporary I got this next year can give you the fuel to harder!
There could be a book written about emotions during the holidays, but for now, we will stick to the basics. Emotions during the holidays can consist of grief, divorce, loneliness, or feeling overwhelmed. Emotions are natural, and we can not bury them with alcohol, or drugs. These are only temporary fixes that result in addictions. Do not force yourself to be happy because of the holidays acknowledge your feelings. Find a support group, friends, or a therapist during this time.
It can be easier said than done, but please do not let your emotions overwhelm you. Missing family or friends during the holidays is natural. Sometimes turning on the radio or television can be stressful because all you will see or hear is families coming together. Again, do not do this by yourself acknowledge your emotions and get the help, and support you need. You are not alone.
Health concerns
There are still a lot of people that are concerned about crowds, COVID-19, flu season, and other illnesses. There are also other health concerns such as overeating, diets, and possible addictions resurfacing.
Do not feel bad if you are still concerned about crowds, or getting sick. If attending a party ask if masks will be required, or possibly how many people will be attending. If you are attending a social gathering and a friend or family is worried about getting sick or wearing a mask it is not okay to frown upon them. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us so redirect your energy to something positive and be respectful of others. We were all created differently for a reason.
Do not abandon your healthy habits. Moderation is your friend when it comes to food and drinks. If you are recovering from an addiction or worried about drinking during the holidays try to stay away from those gatherings where you know your temptation will be. Do not break your winning streak at the end of the year. Remember the progress you have made and do not risk going backward for one drink that might turn into two drinks. It is okay to have a non-alcoholic beer or fruity drink.
Most importantly give yourself GRACE this holiday season. Stress, depression, and anxiety are real and the holidays can become a trigger for some of us.
Let us know in the comments how if this helps or what steps you are taking to help during this holiday season.